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As of January 1, 2022, all previous New Jersey state moratoriums enacted due to COVID-19 are lifted, and tenants may be evicted for any rent that becomes due and owing as of January 1, 2022. Tenants that have filed a Certification of Low Income may still be protected for rents that accrued between March 2020 and December 2021, under specific conditions. More Information.

To electronically file eviction documents with the New Jersey courts, you’ll need to create a new account on the Judiciary Electronic Document Submissions portal, known as JEDS. Follow these quick steps, to get started.

In an eviction suit, a Verified Complaint and Tenant Summons can be filed electronically via New Jersey’s Judiciary Electronic Submissions portal (JEDS). Follow these quick steps to e-file an eviction.

As of September 2021, New Jersey courts require that a Certification of Lease and Registration Statement be filed no later than five (5) days prior to the Case Management Conference date. Follow these quick steps to e-file the certification.

In an eviction suit, a “Request for Warrant of Removal” and a “Certification by Landlord” can be filed electronically via New Jersey’s Judiciary Electronic Submissions portal, known as JEDS. Follow these quick steps to e-file your documents.

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We’re here to make the eviction process a little less painful. We’re prepared to answer your questions and provide you with solutions.