
E-filing a Request for Warrant of Removal

Last Updated July 28, 2022

How to e-file a Request for Warrant of Removal on New Jersey’s Judiciary Electronic Document Submissions (JEDS) portal.

In an eviction suit, a “Request for Warrant of Removal” and a “Certification by Landlord” can be filed electronically via New Jersey’s Judiciary Electronic Submissions portal, known as JEDS.

Once you have drafted the "Request for Warrant of Removal" and the "Certification by Landlord" using the FileEvictions software, download the PDF of each file separately. Now, you’re ready to get started.
Access the site by visiting, from a desktop or a laptop. At this time, JEDS is not compatible with mobile devices or tablets.
If you have already created an account, click “Login.” Otherwise, select "Register Now." A step-by-step guide on registering your account can be found on our website here.
Enter your User ID and Password, then click “Login.”
From the dashboard, click “Judiciary Electronic Document Submission.”
Click "Create a Filing" and select "Superior Court".
After you certify that all of your information is accurate, on the following screen, under Filing Details, you’ll have four sections. In the first box, select “Special Civil Part” for Court. In Docket Type, select "Suing for eviction of tenant." You'll then be required to select a Venue. This is the county in which the rental property is located. Last, select "Post Disposition" for Filing Category.
Below, you’ll select the reason for the filing. Click “Request for Warrant of Removal.” There is a $42.00 court filing fee for this action. This amount includes the mileage fee. Scroll to the bottom and click “Next.”
In this section, enter docket number and the year the case was initiated. Click "Search." Your case will appear at the bottom of the screen. Select your case and click "Next."
Here, you can add recipients if you want the pleadings to be sent to additional parties that were not part of the initial complaint. Click “Next” if there are no additional parties.
You may now upload your pleadings. Attach the "Request for Warrant of Removal." JEDS will accept the following document formats: .pdf, .docx and .jpg.
Read through the requirements and check the box to confirm you have complied with them. Then, click “Next.”
Take a moment to carefully review all of the information you have provided. If no changes need to be made, click “Submit.”
On the following screen, submit your payment information to finalize the filing. Once you're done, you’ll be all set.
To upload the "Certification by Landlord," repeat steps 1-5 above. In Step 6, under Filing Category, select "General" followed by "Landlord Certification."
Click "Next" until you get to the screen which requires you to upload the "Certification by Landlord."

That’s it! Keep your eye on the calendar. In three (3) business days, reach out to the court to verify if the “Warrant of Removal” has been served upon the tenant.